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<?php /** * Code related to the command.lib.php interface. * * PHP version 5 * * @category Library * @package Sucuri * @subpackage SucuriScanner * @author Daniel Cid <> * @copyright 2010-2018 Sucuri Inc. * @license GPL2 * @link */ if (!defined('SUCURISCAN_INIT') || SUCURISCAN_INIT !== true) { if (!headers_sent()) { /* Report invalid access if possible. */ header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); } exit(1); } /** * Class to process files and folders. * * Here are implemented the methods needed to open, scan, read, create files * and folders using the built-in PHP class SplFileInfo. The SplFileInfo class * offers a high-level object oriented interface to information for an individual * file. * * @category Library * @package Sucuri * @subpackage SucuriScanner * @author Daniel Cid <> * @copyright 2010-2018 Sucuri Inc. * @license GPL2 * @link */ class SucuriScanCommand extends SucuriScan { /** * Check if the system was configured to allow the execution of certain shell * commands. In this specific case, we want to know if the generic exec method * is enabled or not to allow the execution of system programs. * * @return bool True if the exec method is enabled, false otherwise. */ private static function canExecuteCommands() { $disabled = self::iniGet('disable_functions', true); $methods = explode(',', $disabled); return !in_array('exec', $methods); } /** * Checks if an external command exists or not. * * @param string $cmd Name of the external command. * @return bool True if the command exists, false otherwise. */ public static function exists($cmd) { $err = 255; $out = array(); if (self::canExecuteCommands()) { $command = sprintf('command -v %s 1>/dev/null', escapeshellarg($cmd)); @exec($command, $out, $err); /* ignore output and capture errors */ } if ($err !== 0) { return self::throwException('Command ' . $cmd . ' does not exist'); } return true; } /** * Compares two files line by line. * * @param string $a File path of the original file. * @param string $b File path of the modified file. * @return array Line-by-line changes (if any). */ public static function diff($a, $b) { $out = array(); if (self::exists('diff')) { @exec( sprintf( 'diff -u -- %s %s 2> /dev/null', escapeshellarg($a), escapeshellarg($b) ), $out, $err ); } return $out; } /** * Generates the HTML code with the diff output. * * The method takes the relative path of a core WordPress file, then tries * to download a fresh copy of such file from the official WordPress API. If * the download succeeds the method will write the content of this file into * a temporary resource. Then it will use the Unix diff utility to find all * the differences between the original code and the one present in the site. * * If there are differences, the method will write the HTML code to report * them in the dashboard. Some basic CSS classes will be attached to some of * the elements in the code to facilitate the styling of the diff report. * * @param string $filepath Relative path to the core WordPress file. * @return string|bool HTML code with the diff report, false on failure. */ public static function diffHTML($filepath) { $checksums = SucuriScanAPI::getOfficialChecksums(); if (!$checksums) { return SucuriScanInterface::error('Unsupported WordPress version.'); } if (!array_key_exists($filepath, $checksums)) { return SucuriScanInterface::error('Not an official WordPress file.'); } $output = ''; /* initialize empty with no differences */ $a = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), SUCURISCAN . '-integrity-'); $b = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), SUCURISCAN . '-integrity-'); $handle = @fopen($a, 'w'); if ($handle) { @fwrite($handle, SucuriScanAPI::getOriginalCoreFile($filepath)); @copy(ABSPATH . '/' . $filepath, $b); $output = self::diff($a, $b); @fclose($handle); } @unlink($a); /* delete original file */ @unlink($b); /* delete modified file */ if (!is_array($output) || empty($output)) { return SucuriScanInterface::error('There are no differences.'); } $response = "<ul class='" . SUCURISCAN . "-diff-content'>\n"; foreach ($output as $key => $line) { $number = $key + 1; /* line number */ $cssclass = SUCURISCAN . '-diff-line'; $cssclass .= "\x20" . SUCURISCAN . '-diff-line' . $number; if ($number === 1) { $line = sprintf('--- %s (ORIGINAL)', $filepath); $cssclass .= "\x20" . SUCURISCAN . '-diff-header'; } elseif ($number === 2) { $line = sprintf('+++ %s (MODIFIED)', $filepath); $cssclass .= "\x20" . SUCURISCAN . '-diff-header'; } elseif ($number === 3) { $cssclass .= "\x20" . SUCURISCAN . '-diff-header'; } elseif ($line === '') { /* do not touch empty lines */ } elseif ($line[0] === '-') { $cssclass .= "\x20" . SUCURISCAN . '-diff-minus'; } elseif ($line[0] === '+') { $cssclass .= "\x20" . SUCURISCAN . '-diff-plus'; } $response .= sprintf( "<li class='%s'>%s</li>\n", $cssclass, /* include external CSS styling */ SucuriScan::escape($line) /* clean user input */ ); } $response .= "</ul>\n"; return $response; } }