File "wfLicense.php"
Full Path: /home/rrterraplen/public_html/wp-includes/wp-includes/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wfLicense.php
File size: 10.43 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
require_once __DIR__ . '/wfWebsite.php';
class wfLicense {
const TYPE_FREE = 'free';
const TYPE_PREMIUM = 'premium';
const TYPE_CARE = 'care';
const TYPE_RESPONSE = 'response';
const KEY_TYPE_FREE = 'free';
const KEY_TYPE_PAID_CURRENT = 'paid-current';
const KEY_TYPE_PAID_EXPIRED = 'paid-expired';
const KEY_TYPE_PAID_DELETED = 'paid-deleted';
const CONFIG_API_KEY = 'apiKey';
const CONFIG_REMAINING_DAYS = 'keyExpDays';
const CONFIG_PAID = 'isPaid';
const CONFIG_KEY_TYPE = 'keyType';
const CONFIG_HAS_KEY_CONFLICT = 'hasKeyConflict';
const CONFIG_TYPE = 'licenseType';
private static $TYPES = array(
private static $reflectionClass = null;
private static $current = null;
private $apiKey;
private $paid;
private $type;
private $remainingDays;
private $conflicting;
private $deleted;
private $keyType;
* @param string $apiKey
* @param bool $paid whether or not this is a paid license
* @param ?string $type the license type (@see self::$TYPES)
* @param int $remainingDays the number of days remaining before the license expires
* (may be negative if already expired)
* @param bool $conflicting whether or not there is a conflict with this license
* @param bool $deleted whether or not the key was deleted
private function __construct($apiKey = null, $paid = null, $type = null, $remainingDays = null, $conflicting = false, $deleted = false, $keyType = null) {
$this->apiKey = $apiKey;
$this->paid = $paid;
$this->remainingDays = $remainingDays;
$this->conflicting = $conflicting;
$this->deleted = $deleted;
$this->keyType = $keyType;
public function setApiKey($apiKey) {
$this->apiKey = $apiKey;
return $this;
public function getApiKey() {
return $this->apiKey;
public function setPaid($paid) {
$this->paid = $paid;
return $this;
public function isPaid() {
return $this->paid;
public function setType($type) {
$this->type = $type !== null && self::isValidType($type) ? (string) $type : ($this->isPaid() ? self::TYPE_PREMIUM : self::TYPE_FREE);
return $this;
public function getType() {
return $this->type === null ? self::TYPE_FREE : $this->type;
public function is($type, $orGreater = false) {
return $this->type === $type || ($orGreater && $this->isAtLeast($type));
public function setRemainingDays($days) {
$this->remainingDays = (int) $days;
return $this;
public function getRemainingDays() {
return $this->remainingDays;
public function setConflicting($conflicting = true) {
$this->conflicting = $conflicting;
return $this;
public function hasConflict() {
return $this->conflicting;
public function setDeleted($deleted = true) {
$this->deleted = $deleted;
return $this;
public function isExpired() {
return $this->getKeyType() === self::KEY_TYPE_PAID_EXPIRED;
public function isValid() {
return !$this->isExpired();
public function isPaidAndCurrent() {
return $this->getKeyType() === self::KEY_TYPE_PAID_CURRENT;
private function resolveKeyType() {
if ($this->deleted)
if ($this->paid) {
if ($this->remainingDays >= 0)
return self::KEY_TYPE_FREE;
public function getKeyType() {
if (!$this->keyType)
$this->keyType = $this->resolveKeyType();
return $this->keyType;
private function clearCache() {
$this->keyType = null;
private function compareTiers($a, $b, $inclusive = true) {
if ($a === $b)
return $inclusive;
foreach (self::$TYPES as $tier) {
if ($tier === $a)
return true;
if ($tier === $b)
return false;
return false;
* Check if the license type is at or above the given tier
public function isAtLeast($type) {
if ($type !== self::TYPE_FREE && !$this->isValid())
return false;
return $this->compareTiers($type, $this->getType());
public function isBelow($type) {
if ($type !== self::TYPE_FREE && !$this->isValid())
return true;
return $this->compareTiers($this->getType(), $type, false);
public function isPremium($orGreater = false) {
return $this->is(self::TYPE_PREMIUM, $orGreater);
public function isAtLeastPremium() {
return $this->isPremium(true);
public function isBelowPremium() {
return $this->isBelow(self::TYPE_PREMIUM);
public function isCare($orGreater = false) {
return $this->is(self::TYPE_CARE, $orGreater);
public function isAtLeastCare() {
return $this->isCare(true);
public function isBelowCare() {
return $this->isBelow(self::TYPE_CARE);
public function isResponse($orGreater = false) {
return $this->is(self::TYPE_RESPONSE, $orGreater);
public function isAtLeastResponse() {
return $this->isResponse(true);
public function isBelowResponse() {
return $this->isBelow(self::TYPE_RESPONSE);
public function getShieldLogo() {
$type = $this->getType();
return wfUtils::getBaseURL() . "images/logos/shield-{$type}.svg";
public function getStylesheet($global = false) {
$type = $this->getType();
$suffix = $global ? '-global' : '';
return wfUtils::getBaseURL() . wfUtils::versionedAsset("css/license/{$type}{$suffix}.css", '', WORDFENCE_VERSION);
public function getGlobalStylesheet() {
return $this->getStylesheet(true);
public function getTypeLabel($requireCurrent = true, $includePrefix = null) {
$paidKeyTypes = array(self::KEY_TYPE_PAID_CURRENT);
if (!$requireCurrent) {
$paidKeyTypes[] = self::KEY_TYPE_PAID_EXPIRED;
$paidKeyTypes[] = self::KEY_TYPE_PAID_DELETED;
if (in_array($this->getKeyType(), $paidKeyTypes)) {
switch ($this->type) {
case self::TYPE_CARE:
return $includePrefix || $includePrefix === null ? __('Wordfence Care', 'wordfence') : __('Care', 'wordfence');
case self::TYPE_RESPONSE:
return $includePrefix || $includePrefix === null ? __('Wordfence Response', 'wordfence') : __('Response', 'wordfence');
case self::TYPE_PREMIUM:
return $includePrefix ? __('Wordfence Premium', 'wordfence') : __('Premium', 'wordfence');
return $includePrefix ? __('Wordfence Free', 'wordfence') : __('Free', 'wordfence');
public function getPrefixedTypeLabel($requireCurrent = true) {
return $this->getTypeLabel($requireCurrent, true);
private function generateLicenseUrl($path, $query = array(), $campaign = null) {
if ($campaign !== null)
$campaign = "gnl1{$campaign}";
$url = implode(
return $url . (empty($query) ? '' : ('?' . http_build_query($query)));
public function getSupportUrl($campaign = null) {
return $this->generateLicenseUrl(
'license' => $this->apiKey
public function getUpgradeUrl($campaign = null) {
if ($this->isAtLeastPremium()) {
return $this->generateLicenseUrl(
'upgrade' => $this->apiKey
else {
return $this->generateLicenseUrl(
private function writeConfig($hasError = false) {
$keyType = $this->getKeyType();
wfConfig::set(self::CONFIG_API_KEY, $this->apiKey);
wfConfig::set(self::CONFIG_TYPE, $this->type);
wfConfig::set(self::CONFIG_REMAINING_DAYS, $this->remainingDays);
wfConfig::set(self::CONFIG_PAID, $keyType === self::KEY_TYPE_PAID_CURRENT);
wfConfig::setOrRemove(self::CONFIG_HAS_KEY_CONFLICT, $this->conflicting ? 1 : null);
if (!$hasError) { //Only save a limited subset of the config if an API error occurred
wfConfig::set(self::CONFIG_KEY_TYPE, $keyType);
* @param bool $hasError whether or not an error occurred while retrieving the current license data
public function save($hasError = false) {
public function downgradeToFree($apiKey) {
$this->apiKey = $apiKey;
$this->type = self::TYPE_FREE;
$this->paid = false;
$this->keyType = self::KEY_TYPE_FREE;
$this->conflicting = false;
$this->deleted = false;
$this->remainingDays = -1;
return $this;
public static function isValidType($type) {
return in_array($type, self::$TYPES);
private static function fromConfig() {
$remainingDays = wfConfig::get(self::CONFIG_REMAINING_DAYS, null);
if ($remainingDays !== null)
$remainingDays = (int) $remainingDays;
$keyType = wfConfig::get(self::CONFIG_KEY_TYPE, null);
return new self(
(string) wfConfig::get(self::CONFIG_API_KEY),
(bool) wfConfig::get(self::CONFIG_PAID),
(string) wfConfig::get(self::CONFIG_TYPE, self::TYPE_FREE),
(bool) wfConfig::get(self::CONFIG_HAS_KEY_CONFLICT, false),
$keyType === self::KEY_TYPE_PAID_DELETED,
public static function current() {
if (self::$current === null) {
self::$current = self::fromConfig();
return self::$current;
const REGISTRATION_TOKEN_TTL = 86400; //24 hours
const REGISTRATION_TOKEN_KEY = 'wfRegistrationToken';
public static function getRegistrationToken($refreshTtl = false) {
$token = get_transient(self::REGISTRATION_TOKEN_KEY);
if ($token === false) {
$token = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(self::REGISTRATION_TOKEN_LENGTH);
if ($token === false)
throw new Exception('Unable to generate registration token');
$token = wfUtils::base64url_encode($token);
$refreshTtl = true;
if ($refreshTtl)
set_transient(self::REGISTRATION_TOKEN_KEY, $token, self::REGISTRATION_TOKEN_TTL);
return $token;
public static function validateRegistrationToken($token) {
$expected = self::getRegistrationToken();
//Note that the length of $expected is publicly known since it's in the plugin source, so differening lengths immediately triggering a false return is not a cause for concern
return hash_equals($expected, $token);
public static function generateRegistrationLink() {
$wfWebsite = wfWebsite::getInstance();
$stats = wfAPI::generateSiteStats();
$token = self::getRegistrationToken(true);
$returnUrl = network_admin_url('admin.php?page=WordfenceInstall');
$payload = array(
$payload = implode(';', $payload);
$payload = wfUtils::base64url_encode($payload);
return $wfWebsite->getUrl("plugin/registration/{$payload}");